Thursday, August 13, 2020

Will you allow Trump to kill the USPS?

Trump is afraid he will lose the election this November, and he will go to any length in order to win. That includes killing the USPS.

While the Democrats and some Republicans in the Congress fight for funding to help the postal service, Trump knows that the more people who vote, the worse his loss will be.

Years of gerrymandering, voter suppression and even Russian propaganda on Facebook and Twitter are still not enough for this ass clown of a president. Now he wants to kill the postal service and even has the tramacity to say it out loud in a press conference!

"They want $25 billion for the post office. (The Democrats) Now, they need that money in order to have the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots. Now, in the meantime, they aren't getting there. But if they don't get those two items, that means you can't have universal mail-in voting because they're not equipped to have it."

"If we don't make a deal, that means they don't get the money. That means they can't have universal mail-in voting. They just can't have it."

He actually thinks that funding the postal service during a pandemic so that they can deliver ballots is a, "left wing agenda."

Look at the divisive language he uses above to divide Americans apart over the funding of the postal service.

If you are a Trump voter, think about it, do you really want to lose the post office? The one service actually mentioned in the Constitution? How can you call yourself a constitutionalist or an American and think killing off the postal service is a good idea?

Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States. years of cold war against our enemies like Russia and they could not do half the damage that this guy has done in three and a half years. Putin must be laughing everyday.

The post office is not a business, it is a government service. It is not supposed to make money, it is supposed to serve the citizens of the United States, to make sure every citizen no matter where they are located, in the middle of nowhere in the country, somewhere in the outback of Alaska, in the middle of a war on a battlefield in a far-off country, can receive and send mail to one another in order to communicate with their fellow citizens and anyone else in the world with whom they wish to speak.

The death of the post office would be like the amputation of a part of the United States. Anyone who is for getting rid of our postal service cannot seriously call themselves an American. And that includes the president of the United States of America. 

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