Saturday, August 1, 2020

Jim Jordan is an idiot, and masks.

And now for something political.

As I watched Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio question Dr. Fauchi the other day, I came to realize, even more then before, what an idiot he is.

He was attempting to argue that people at recent protest were spreading the COVID-19 virus, so why couldn't people who wanted to participate in a political rally do the same?

Science says the virus will spread at either event. Virus doesn't care about politics.

The thing that kept eating at me, and nobody seems to think about at all including Jim Jordan, is that both events have one thing in common. That thing being Donald Trump.

It doesn't matter which event you support, right now neither should be attended. Although being a liberal person I think protesting against systematic racism and a government sending federal personnel against its own people in the streets of their home cities rates as more important than celebrating your favorite politician.

I personally was glad to see people protesting in the streets, it's been a long time coming. People are finally standing up for themselves in the face of coming fascism. It's just unfortunate timing.

In Germany, as they say, first they came for the Jews then they came for me. Here in America it's much the same story first they came for black people, then they came for the rest of us.

In the end the virus spreads at both events and people die. 
Which is more important, which event would you risk your life and that of your family and community for? I'll leave that up to you.

Just remember when you go to the polls this year, neither event would be taking place without one person. And that person is Donald Trump.

Moving along let's talk a little about masks. Nobody likes wearing a mask. Frankly if you're alone somewhere not near people I don't give a damn whether you do or not. When you get into a group of people though you should put one on. Some people think not wearing a mask represents freedom, because they have the choice not to wear one. 

I say not wearing pants is also freedom, but I don't think if I went for a walk around Walmart with my balls hanging out you would approve of it. You don't want my balls in your face? I don't want your Coronavirus.  If you breathe you can spread it. All humans are horrible and may have cooties now.

If it comes to stopping this virus by staying separated, wearing masks, doing testing, tracing and isolating people, because there is no vaccine yet then this is what will have to happen no matter how hard it may be for all of us.

The other solution would be make sure people in crowds without masks don't breathe, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't pick that option.

To sum it up, not wearing a mask in a group of unfamiliar people is like telling them,  "fuck you I don't  give a damn if you die of coronavirus."

Feel free to comment, if I have comments turned on I don't even know and I'm too lazy to check if not go fuck off instead!

Check in later for me shitting out thoughts directly into your eyeballs.

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