Friday, August 7, 2020

There's just not enough Coronavirus Deaths dude!


A lot of the stupid Trump voters I know keep telling me, "The whole Coronavirus death toll is fake news man, the libtards just make anyone who dies count as Coronavirus, it's all fake news!"

If that were true there would be a whole lot more Coronavirus deaths by now. According to the chart above from the CDC there should be around 1.5 million dead Americans by this time of year.

As there are "only" 156,000 Coronavirus deaths right now, it stands to reason that the Trump voters are full of shit. Big surprise, I know!

It turns out that Coronavirus is still behind heart attack for leading cause of death, but maybe it will catch up. For now you can still rest easy knowing that you might yet be able to die of a quick heart attack instead of a terrible prolonged Coronavirus death.

Feeling luckier now, aren't ya!

So the next time one of your Trump death cult friends, family, douchebag on the street, says this to you, you can definitively tell them to,  "shut the fuck up," as they don't know what they're talking about.

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