Saturday, August 8, 2020

A complete violation of our Constitution.

 Welcome to the United States Constitution. Maybe you've never read it. Let's take a look at a small part in concern to today's events.

Article I describes the design of the legislative branch of US Government -- the Congress. Important ideas include the separation of powers between branches of government (checks and balances).

This was written in order to keep the executive branch from being able to spend taxpayers money without the Congress's approval.

Article I 

Section 8

Clause 1

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

In other words it's up to the Congress when to spend money, not the president.

This way the representatives of the people are held to accountability.

Today the president of the United States signed an executive order to pay $400 a week to American citizens. I would say he did this in the best interest of the people, who desperately need the money. But the truth is this was not his reason, his reason was to try to force the Democrats to defend the Constitution in order to make them look bad as if they did not want to give money to the people.

This is not true, as on May 11th 2020 the House of Representatives passed a bill including an extension of the $600 federal unemployment benefits. After which the bill sat on the desk of the " grim reaper " Mitch McConnell, for 2 months before the Senate bothered to get around to constructing their own bill.

Now the president is using this as a reason to blame the Democrats.

What he did with this executive order was in direct violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

It's unconscionable, a violation of the Constitution and a sign that the separation of powers in the United States has completely collapsed.

Worse than that, I have not seen a single Democrat stand up and say anything about this.

I for one will be putting aside this money if it is actually paid by the unemployment services of my state until the Congress approves it. As much as I need it to survive, I will not be a traitor to the Constitution of my country.

In addition the president said that the federal government will only pay 

$300 of the $400 total, and that the states will be responsible for the other hundred. This is obviously a play in order to break the democratic held states, and bankrupt them as quickly as possible, as they have the largest populations in the United States.

I would like to see my own representative stand up in Congress and ask for articles of impeachment concerning this issue. I have already written to him and told him this, and to pass on my message to Nancy Pelosi.

Of course I know the spineless democratic party will do nothing. Once again this president has violated our constitution, believing that he is a king. Rightfully so I would say, as the democratic party is completely spineless and will not stand up and do anything about this issue.

I am disgusted with this country. I am disgusted with the people of this country who do not educate themselves in concern to our constitution and the rule of law.

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