Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Let's put section 2 of the 14th amendment to work today

Let's put section 2 of the 14th amendment to work today.

Most people don't know about section 2 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution, but it seems to me like now is the time to break it out and make use of it's words.

With states closing polling locations, growing voter ID laws and greater purges of voter rolls, the assault on Americans rights to vote nationwide shows that we should enforce paragraph 2 of the 14th amendment right now.

It is about time to use the tools given to us in order to fight off voter suppression. And make no mistake,the right wing of the Republican party is imposing greater suppression on voters in this year's important election than ever before.

The 14th Amendment was written to protect the newly emancipated slaves after the Civil War. 

Section 2:

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

We may want to add female voters to this paragraph at some point too. Regardless of this ancient wording, we need to wield this power against states like Louisiana which is now trying to tell voters they cannot vote by mail using an absentee ballot unless they have a doctor's note showing a positive coronavirus test.

Or in Ohio where legislators proposed a measure to keep the Secretary of State from sending out request forms to vote by mail even though they have been doing so for years. This same type of law is being proposed in Georgia too. Other states such as Iowa are up to the same kind of trickery.

It's just a red state play in order to keep the clown of a president, and the Republicans in power during their last dying gasp of breath for the party to stay alive. There's not enough people in the country who actually like the platform anymore, so instead they'll cheat in order to win.

These types of laws, trickery, and shenanigans, should not be put up with anymore. And the second paragraph of the 14th amendment is the way in which we have been empowered to defend EXACTLY this type of thing from ever happening in our country. 

I'd venture to bet once the red states start losing their representatives in Congress they might decide to change their ways.

I'd suggest Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats get on the ball and begin to use the toolkit which they have been given by our forefathers in order to defend the citizens of this country, otherwise the Democrats are no better than the Republicans.

When will our government work for the people instead of always working against us? I suppose it would help if more people in this country became educated about things like this instead of what the Kardashians are up to today. I don't hold out much hope for that to happen, but it would be nice if our legislators would do their fucking job. They know better.

I'm getting sick of having to write about politics every day, that's not really what this blog was supposed to be, but it is what it is. Hopefully in the future I will be able to write about something else.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is a criminal. Don't believe it? Read the law.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is a criminal. Don't believe it? Read the law.

18 U.S. Code § 1703.Delay or destruction of mail or newspapers

U.S. Code

(a)Whoever, being a Postal Service officer or employee, unlawfully secretes, destroys, detains, delays, or opens any letter, postal card, package, bag, or mail entrusted to him or which shall come into his possession, and which was intended to be conveyed by mail, or carried or delivered by any carrier or other employee of the Postal Service, or forwarded through or delivered from any post office or station thereof established by authority of the Postmaster General or the Postal Service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.


Workers at the Postal Service have been reporting that the Postmaster General has given orders to slow down delivery of the mail including removing post office drop boxes and ripping out high speed sorting machines.

From the Guardian

About a month ago, a United States Postal Service (USPS) mail carrier named Mark arrived at his post office in central Pennsylvania and got some shocking news from his station manager. Mark and his coworkers were told they would have to depart the office for deliveries a few hours earlier each day, even if that meant leaving behind much of the day’s mail.

In the weeks that followed, higher-ups at the station instructed carriers to abandon hundreds of pieces of mail in order to depart a mere 10 or 20 minutes earlier. As the days went on, the excess mail started to pile up, and now Mark estimates there are thousands of undelivered letters and packages sitting in his station.

Postmaster general’s changes causing mail delays, USPS workers say “The supervisors are cracking the whip, making sure we leave,” Mark told the Guardian. “Meanwhile carriers are walking by and saying, ‘Look at all this fucking mail we’re walking past, it’s just sitting there.’”

When Mark and his coworkers confronted the station manager he said he was only following orders from the new USPS postmaster general, Louis DeJoy. Since taking office in June, DeJoy has executed sweeping changes at the struggling US Postal Service, shaking up agency leadership and rolling out policies that have led to delays in mail delivery.

Read the article:


Mailbox being removed August 13, 2020.


Sorting machines being removed:

Since the Postmaster General has been ordered to take these actions by the president of the United States, the president is complicit in the crime and should also serve time.

Trump knows that if he looses the election, charges will be brought against him from many different sources. Not political charges by his opponents but actual charges by various DA departments and federal investigators who have been waiting until he is out of office.

This is why he keeps committing more crimes like slowing the mail in a desperate attempt to stay in power untill the statue of limitations runs out on all his various crimes.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Why Trump hates TikTok

Why Trump hates TikTok

Why does Trump hate a stupid video sharing app? He says he thinks it's a spy tool from China. 

Let's face it, if TikTok were a spy tool it would rate as the most stupid one ever, other than the stupid spy tool of Russia, Donald Trump.

First off TikTok is distributed through Google play store and Apple's tightly controled app store. Each of the tech giants are able to look through code and see exactly how apps function before they ever get on the market.

TikTok doesn't even exist in China, because the government there wouldn't want an app like this to spread "rumors" about things like tiananmen square etc. Therefore TikTok exists only outside of China. All of its servers are outside of China. The company who runs TikTok is outside of China.

No, the real reason TikTok must die is because K-pop fans used it to embarrassed Trump. Because people like Sarah Cooper use TikTok to make fun of Trump. To a person like Trump, this is unacceptable. this must be stopped under any circumstances. no one makes fun of the great leader, no one gets away with making the great leader look bad.

So here we sit with important things like Coronavirus, and the total collapse of our economy (except for the super rich), Trump is concentrating his efforts on getting rid of a stupid social media, idiotic video sharing application. And using the guise of China, "our evil enemy," to hide his ego play.

The truth is Trump will stop it nothing in order to win the election, he will kill a stupid app like TikTok, He will kill you the American people by paying little attention to solving the covet problem in order to try to make things look normal, he will destroy the post office to stop mailing balloting.

What will be next?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Will you allow Trump to kill the USPS?

Trump is afraid he will lose the election this November, and he will go to any length in order to win. That includes killing the USPS.

While the Democrats and some Republicans in the Congress fight for funding to help the postal service, Trump knows that the more people who vote, the worse his loss will be.

Years of gerrymandering, voter suppression and even Russian propaganda on Facebook and Twitter are still not enough for this ass clown of a president. Now he wants to kill the postal service and even has the tramacity to say it out loud in a press conference!

"They want $25 billion for the post office. (The Democrats) Now, they need that money in order to have the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots. Now, in the meantime, they aren't getting there. But if they don't get those two items, that means you can't have universal mail-in voting because they're not equipped to have it."

"If we don't make a deal, that means they don't get the money. That means they can't have universal mail-in voting. They just can't have it."

He actually thinks that funding the postal service during a pandemic so that they can deliver ballots is a, "left wing agenda."

Look at the divisive language he uses above to divide Americans apart over the funding of the postal service.

If you are a Trump voter, think about it, do you really want to lose the post office? The one service actually mentioned in the Constitution? How can you call yourself a constitutionalist or an American and think killing off the postal service is a good idea?

Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States. years of cold war against our enemies like Russia and they could not do half the damage that this guy has done in three and a half years. Putin must be laughing everyday.

The post office is not a business, it is a government service. It is not supposed to make money, it is supposed to serve the citizens of the United States, to make sure every citizen no matter where they are located, in the middle of nowhere in the country, somewhere in the outback of Alaska, in the middle of a war on a battlefield in a far-off country, can receive and send mail to one another in order to communicate with their fellow citizens and anyone else in the world with whom they wish to speak.

The death of the post office would be like the amputation of a part of the United States. Anyone who is for getting rid of our postal service cannot seriously call themselves an American. And that includes the president of the United States of America. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

A complete violation of our Constitution.

 Welcome to the United States Constitution. Maybe you've never read it. Let's take a look at a small part in concern to today's events.

Article I describes the design of the legislative branch of US Government -- the Congress. Important ideas include the separation of powers between branches of government (checks and balances).

This was written in order to keep the executive branch from being able to spend taxpayers money without the Congress's approval.

Article I 

Section 8

Clause 1

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

In other words it's up to the Congress when to spend money, not the president.

This way the representatives of the people are held to accountability.

Today the president of the United States signed an executive order to pay $400 a week to American citizens. I would say he did this in the best interest of the people, who desperately need the money. But the truth is this was not his reason, his reason was to try to force the Democrats to defend the Constitution in order to make them look bad as if they did not want to give money to the people.

This is not true, as on May 11th 2020 the House of Representatives passed a bill including an extension of the $600 federal unemployment benefits. After which the bill sat on the desk of the " grim reaper " Mitch McConnell, for 2 months before the Senate bothered to get around to constructing their own bill.

Now the president is using this as a reason to blame the Democrats.

What he did with this executive order was in direct violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

It's unconscionable, a violation of the Constitution and a sign that the separation of powers in the United States has completely collapsed.

Worse than that, I have not seen a single Democrat stand up and say anything about this.

I for one will be putting aside this money if it is actually paid by the unemployment services of my state until the Congress approves it. As much as I need it to survive, I will not be a traitor to the Constitution of my country.

In addition the president said that the federal government will only pay 

$300 of the $400 total, and that the states will be responsible for the other hundred. This is obviously a play in order to break the democratic held states, and bankrupt them as quickly as possible, as they have the largest populations in the United States.

I would like to see my own representative stand up in Congress and ask for articles of impeachment concerning this issue. I have already written to him and told him this, and to pass on my message to Nancy Pelosi.

Of course I know the spineless democratic party will do nothing. Once again this president has violated our constitution, believing that he is a king. Rightfully so I would say, as the democratic party is completely spineless and will not stand up and do anything about this issue.

I am disgusted with this country. I am disgusted with the people of this country who do not educate themselves in concern to our constitution and the rule of law.

Friday, August 7, 2020

There's just not enough Coronavirus Deaths dude!


A lot of the stupid Trump voters I know keep telling me, "The whole Coronavirus death toll is fake news man, the libtards just make anyone who dies count as Coronavirus, it's all fake news!"

If that were true there would be a whole lot more Coronavirus deaths by now. According to the chart above from the CDC there should be around 1.5 million dead Americans by this time of year.

As there are "only" 156,000 Coronavirus deaths right now, it stands to reason that the Trump voters are full of shit. Big surprise, I know!

It turns out that Coronavirus is still behind heart attack for leading cause of death, but maybe it will catch up. For now you can still rest easy knowing that you might yet be able to die of a quick heart attack instead of a terrible prolonged Coronavirus death.

Feeling luckier now, aren't ya!

So the next time one of your Trump death cult friends, family, douchebag on the street, says this to you, you can definitively tell them to,  "shut the fuck up," as they don't know what they're talking about.