Putin is using Trump to kill Republicans.
Putin wants to kill all of the Republicans because he thinks they'll be harder on him than the Democrats.
Putin is using Trump as a puppet to make Republicans do stupid things like refusing to wear masks during a pandemic that is killing tens of thousands of people. He uses Trump to spread the discounting of science, this way the Republicans will spread disinformation and untruths faster and will continue to die even more quickly.
Trump is happy to see poor, lower class Americans die. He hates black, hispanic, and muslim people. Truthfully, he hates anyone who is poor no matter what their race. If you are one of his poor white supporters do you really think he would ever stoop to sitting down at your dinner table? Don't count on it.
So while stupid dunce Trump believes he is just killing off his political opponents, poor black and hispanic people who traditionally vote democratic, he is killing his supporters too.
Listen carefully to his crazy conspiracy theories then compare them to the conspiracy theories that are coming out of Russia, and Putin's mouth. If you do this you will find they are eerily similar. It's a scary thought, that the president of the United States could be the unwitting stupid puppet of the Russian president, helping to spread untruths and misinformation about the pandemic, voting by mail, and all the other crazy things that Trump says on a daily basis. But it's true, unless of course Trump knows how he's helping Putin and is doing it on purpose.
Listening to Trump will kill you.